Thank you! I am very happy that you found the article useful, as I personally find it extremely satisfying when the created content helps as many readers as possible. Also glad to know that Audi is your favorite brand, I can only imagine how amazing it would have been for you driving the TT at Nürburgring! :)
Regarding your last point, I really understand that we are living in a very unusual times and being stuck at home is difficult. All of us (including my friends and I) have had bouts of lethargic periods in the past year and the consumption to creation ratio had become higher than normal. And that is above all a reason why we need to find inspiration to act in the smallest of daily things. I think, if we are spending time consuming content anyways, it should rather be positive (books, inspiring shorts etc.) than negative (mindless social media scrolling). It always helps to get back up from a slumber by slowly increasing self awareness. If the content in this post somehow helps your daughter, I would be all the more happier to have got the message through from my writing. Thanks and Cheers!