How to Objectively Compare Two Ranked Lists in Python

A simplified explanation and implementation of Rank Biased Overlap

Krupesh Raikar
Towards Data Science
10 min readJan 5, 2023


Imagine you and your friend have both watched all 8 Harry Potter movies.

But there’s a catch — you have watched each movie the day it was released, without missing a single premier.

Your friend, however, watched the 2nd movie first, then the 4th and 5th, and then binge-watched the rest when it was available on Netflix.

Theoretically, you and your friend are on an equal footing — both have watched all the movies of the series.

Is it really equal though?

Image created by the author using a commercially usable typeface (Harry P) and CC image from Wikimedia

You being a true fan, can never consider it equal.

How could someone not watch the movies of a book series, In. A. Sequence?!

You consider it a sacrilege!

The good news is — the math is on your side. You can boil this problem down into a ranked list comparison.

There are several methods to compare lists.

In this post, you will:

  • Understand why we actually need a ranked list comparison
  • See the requirements a comparison measure should satisfy
  • Get an overview of a method called Rank Biased Overlap
  • Understand the mathematical approach behind it
  • Create a simple implementation in python

At the end of it, you will finally settle the disagreement with your friend once and for all:

You != Your Friend

Why do you need a ranked list comparison?

Apart from the above movie viewing order disagreement, we are surrounded by examples of comparing lists!

In fact, we all do such comparisons all the time.

  • Which results are better for the same query on Google vs. Bing?
  • How similar is the New York Times bestseller list to that from USA Today?

